.. _07_fod_extra: .. include:: ../../examples/07_fod_extra/README.rst ---- .. code-block:: python from eminus import Atoms, read, SCF from eminus.dft import get_psi from eminus.extras import get_fods, remove_core_fods from eminus.localizer import get_FLO Start by with a DFT calculation for methane .. code-block:: python atom, pos = read("CH4.xyz") atoms = Atoms(atom, pos, ecut=10, center=True) scf = SCF(atoms) scf.run() Calculate all FODs .. code-block:: python fods_all = get_fods(atoms) print(f"\nAll FODs:\n{fods_all}") Remove core FODs, since the calculation uses a GTH pseudopotential .. code-block:: python fods = remove_core_fods(atoms, fods_all) print(f"\nCore FODs:\n{fods}") The quality from the FOD guess can vary, but you can use these as a decent guess .. code-block:: python # import numpy as np # fods = [np.array([[10.71617803, 10.75510917, 10.73689087], # [10.82635834, 9.25127336, 9.25068483], # [ 9.24857483, 10.79169744, 9.24052496], # [ 9.25441172, 9.25005662, 10.82402898]]), # np.array([])] Write the FODs to an XYZ file to view them .. code-block:: python atoms.write("CH4_fods.xyz", fods) Generate the Kohn-Sham orbitals .. code-block:: python psi = get_psi(scf, scf.W) Calculate the FLOs .. code-block:: python FLO = get_FLO(atoms, psi, fods) Write all FLOs to CUBE files .. code-block:: python print("\nWrite cube files:") for i in range(atoms.occ.Nstate): print(f"{i + 1} of {atoms.occ.Nstate}") atoms.write(f"CH4_FLO_{i + 1}.cube", FLO[0][0, :, i]) All of the functionality above can be achieved with the following workflow function .. code-block:: python # from eminus.orbitals import FLO # FLO = FLO(scf, write_cubes=True) Downloads: :download:`07_fod_extra.py <../../examples/07_fod_extra/07_fod_extra.py>` :download:`CH4.xyz <../../examples/07_fod_extra/CH4.xyz>`