.. _14_custom_functionals: .. include:: ../../examples/14_custom_functionals/README.rst ---- .. code-block:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import eminus.xc from eminus import Atoms, SCF from eminus.units import ry2ha Start with a normal SCF calculation for helium with the original LDA Chachiyo functional .. code-block:: python atoms = Atoms("He", (0, 0, 0), ecut=10, verbose=0) scf = SCF(atoms, xc="lda,chachiyo") scf.run() print(f"Energies with the Chachiyo functional:\n{scf.energies}") Define arrays for the Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) results from Ceperley and Alder for the homogeneous electron gas The values are the paramagnetic correlation energies from Tab. 5 in Can. J. Phys. 58, 1200 .. code-block:: python rs = np.array([2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100]) # Convert from -mRy to Hartree ecp = -ry2ha(np.array([90.2, 56.3, 37.22, 23.00, 11.40, 6.379])) / 1000 Define the original Chachiyo functional parameters The parameters are derived such that the functional recovers the values in Phys. Rev. B 84, 033103 for the high-density limit Karasiev re-parameterized the functional in J. Chem. Phys. 145, 157101 without the restriction of :code:`b=c` Here, :code:`c` uses the same value as in Chachiyo to preserve the correct high-density limit but :code:`b` is chosen such that it recovers the exact value for :code:`rs=50` We will now build a new custom functional by fitting :code:`b` over the QMC data set .. code-block:: python a = (np.log(2) - 1) / (2 * np.pi**2) c = 20.4562557 b = c print(f"\nOriginal parameter:\nb = {b:.7f}") All functionals in eminus share the same signature and return types Define a custom spin-paired functional using said signature based on the Chachiyo functional but with the customizable parameter parameter :code:`b` so we can fit over it .. code-block:: python def custom_functional(n, b, **kwargs): rs = (3 / (4 * np.pi * n)) ** (1 / 3) # Wigner-Seitz radius ec = a * np.log(1 + b / rs + c / rs**2) # Exchange energy vc = ec + a * (2 * c + b * rs) / (3 * (c + b * rs + b * rs**2)) # Exchange potential return ec, np.array([vc]), None Fit the functional using a wrapper function We only fit over the energies so the wrapper function only returns the first argument of the functional The third return value of the function (here :code:`None`) is only used in GGA functionals Functionals usually take densities as the input, so convert the Wigner-Seitz radius to a density in the wrapper function .. code-block:: python def functional_wrapper(rs, b): n = 3 / (4 * np.pi * rs**3) # Density from Wigner-Seitz radius return custom_functional(n, b)[0] Do the fit over the QMC data The resulting parameter still recovers the limits of the original functional but can be more accurate in the mid-density regimes One can see that our fitted value is similar to the one derived by Karasiev with :code:`b=21.7392245` .. code-block:: python fitted_b, _ = curve_fit(functional_wrapper, rs, ecp) print(f"\nFitted parameter:\nb = {fitted_b[0]:.7f}") # Fitted parameter: # b = 21.9469106 Plot the error of the correlation energies compared to the QMC data for Chachiyo, Karasiev, and our functional Find the plot named :code:`correlation_energy_error.png` .. image:: correlation_energy_error.png :align: center .. code-block:: python plt.style.use("../eminus.mplstyle") plt.figure() plt.axhline(c="dimgrey", ls="--", marker="") plt.plot(rs, 1000 * (functional_wrapper(rs, b) - ecp), label="Chachiyo") plt.plot(rs, 1000 * (functional_wrapper(rs, 21.7392245) - ecp), label="Karasiev") plt.plot(rs, 1000 * (functional_wrapper(rs, *fitted_b) - ecp), label="mod. Chachiyo") plt.xlabel(r"$r_s$") plt.ylabel(r"$E_c^\mathrm{P} - E_c^{\mathrm{P,QMC}}$ [m$E_\mathrm{h}$]") plt.legend() plt.savefig("correlation_energy_error.png") Some modules of eminus have an :code:`IMPLEMENTED` lookup dictionary for functions that can be extended These are available in the :code:`xc`, :code:`potentials`, and :code:`minimizer` modules and can be used as seen below Plug the fitted parameters into the custom functional .. code-block:: python eminus.xc.IMPLEMENTED["custom"] = lambda n, **kwargs: custom_functional(n, *fitted_b) If the signature of the custom functional matches the signature from eminus it is sufficient to write .. code-block:: python # eminus.xc.IMPLEMENTED["custom"] = custom_functional Start an SCF calculation with our custom functional .. code-block:: python scf = SCF(atoms, xc="lda,custom") scf.run() print(f"\nEnergies with the fitted Chachiyo functional:\n{scf.energies}") An extension of this example for the spin-polarized case can be found in the next example Downloads: :download:`14_custom_functionals.py <../../examples/14_custom_functionals/14_custom_functionals.py>` :download:`correlation_energy_error.png <../../examples/14_custom_functionals/correlation_energy_error.png>`