Band structures¶
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from eminus import Cell, SCF
from eminus.extras import plot_bandstructure
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# Create a cell for a silicon crystal
# It only contains one k-point, but this is enough to create a nice band structure
# Specify the number of bands we want to calculate (here we have 4 occupied bands and 4 unoccupied bands)
cell = Cell("Si", "diamond", ecut=10, a=10.2631, bands=8)
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# Let's take a look at the cell first
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# Do the DFT calculation
scf = SCF(cell, etol=1e-5);
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# To create a band structure we have to generate a k-path
scf.kpts.path = "LGXU,KG"
# Specify the number of k-points the sampled path should contain
scf.kpts.Nk = 25
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# We can display our Brillouin zone with all special points and the sampled band path
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# Run the calculation for the new sampled k-points
# This will do a minimization for a fixed Hamiltonian (the one we have found in the previous calculation, saved in the SCF object)
# The calculation will perform two steps:
# 1. Find a set of occupied orbitals that minimize the band energies
# 2. Find a set of unoccupied orbitals that are orthogonal to the occupied ones that also minimize their band energies
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# At last, plot the resulting band structure