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1# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 The eminus developers
2# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
3"""Various tools to check physical properties."""
5import numpy as np
6from scipy.linalg import norm
7from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar, root_scalar
9from .dft import get_epsilon, get_epsilon_unocc
10from .gga import get_grad_field, get_tau
11from .logger import log
12from .utils import handle_k
15def cutoff2gridspacing(E):
16 """Convert plane wave energy cut-off to a real-space grid spacing.
18 Reference: Phys. Rev. B 54, 14362.
20 Args:
21 E: Energy in Hartree.
23 Returns:
24 Grid spacing in Bohr.
25 """
26 return np.pi / np.sqrt(2 * E)
29def gridspacing2cutoff(h):
30 """Convert real-space grid spacing to plane wave energy cut-off.
32 Reference: Phys. Rev. B 54, 14362.
34 Args:
35 h: Grid spacing in Bohr.
37 Returns:
38 Cut-off in Hartree.
39 """
40 return 0.5 * (np.pi / h) ** 2
43def center_of_mass(coords, masses=None):
44 """Calculate the center of mass for a set of coordinates and masses.
46 Args:
47 coords: Array of real-space coordinates.
49 Keyword Args:
50 masses: Mass or weight for each coordinate.
52 Returns:
53 Center of mass.
54 """
55 if masses is None:
56 masses = np.ones(len(coords))
57 return np.sum(masses * coords.T, axis=1) / np.sum(masses)
61def orbital_center(obj, psirs):
62 """Calculate the orbital center of masses, e.g., from localized orbitals.
64 Args:
65 obj: Atoms or SCF object.
66 psirs: Set of orbitals in real-space.
68 Returns:
69 Center of masses.
70 """
71 atoms = obj._atoms
73 coms = [np.empty((0, 3))] * 2
74 Ncom = psirs.shape[2]
75 for spin in range(atoms.occ.Nspin):
76 coms_spin = np.empty((Ncom, 3))
78 # Squared orbitals
79 psi2 = np.real(psirs[spin].conj() * psirs[spin])
80 for i in range(Ncom):
81 coms_spin[i] = center_of_mass(atoms.r, psi2[:, i])
82 coms[spin] = coms_spin
83 return coms
86def inertia_tensor(coords, masses=None):
87 """Calculate the inertia tensor for a set of coordinates and masses.
89 Reference:
91 Args:
92 coords: Array of real-space coordinates.
94 Keyword Args:
95 masses: Mass or weight for each coordinate.
97 Returns:
98 Inertia tensor.
99 """
100 if masses is None:
101 masses = np.ones(len(coords))
103 # The inertia tensor for a set of point masses can be calculated with a simple summation
104 #
105 I = np.empty((3, 3))
106 I[0, 0] = np.sum(masses * (coords[:, 1] ** 2 + coords[:, 2] ** 2))
107 I[1, 1] = np.sum(masses * (coords[:, 0] ** 2 + coords[:, 2] ** 2))
108 I[2, 2] = np.sum(masses * (coords[:, 0] ** 2 + coords[:, 1] ** 2))
109 I[0, 1] = I[1, 0] = -np.sum(masses * (coords[:, 0] * coords[:, 1]))
110 I[0, 2] = I[2, 0] = -np.sum(masses * (coords[:, 0] * coords[:, 2]))
111 I[1, 2] = I[2, 1] = -np.sum(masses * (coords[:, 1] * coords[:, 2]))
112 return I
115def get_dipole(scf, n=None):
116 """Calculate the electric dipole moment.
118 This function does not account for periodicity, it may be a good idea to center the system.
120 Reference: J. Chem. Phys. 155, 224109.
122 Args:
123 scf: SCF object.
125 Keyword Args:
126 n: Real-space electronic density.
128 Returns:
129 Electric dipole moment in e * Bohr.
130 """
131 atoms = scf.atoms
132 if n is None:
133 if scf.n is None:
134 log.error("There is no density to calculate a dipole moment.")
135 return 0
136 n = scf.n
138 # Diple moment: mu = \sum Z pos - \int n(r) r dr
139 mu = np.zeros(3)
140 for i in range(atoms.Natoms):
141 mu += atoms.Z[i] * atoms.pos[i]
143 for dim in range(3):
144 mu[dim] -= atoms.dV * np.sum(n * atoms.r[:, dim])
145 return mu
148def get_ip(scf):
149 """Calculate the ionization potential by calculating the negative HOMO energy.
151 Reference: Physica 1, 104.
153 Args:
154 scf: SCF object.
156 Returns:
157 Ionization potential in Hartree.
158 """
159 scf.kpts._assert_gamma_only()
160 epsilon = get_epsilon(scf, scf.W)[0]
161 # Account for spin-polarized calculations
162 epsilon = np.sort(np.ravel(epsilon))
163 return -epsilon[-1]
167def check_ortho(obj, func, eps=1e-9):
168 """Check the orthogonality condition for a set of functions.
170 Args:
171 obj: Atoms or SCF object.
172 func: A discretized set of functions.
174 Keyword Args:
175 eps: Tolerance for the condition.
177 Returns:
178 Orthogonality status for the set of functions.
179 """
180 atoms = obj._atoms
181 func = np.atleast_3d(func)
183 # It makes no sense to calculate anything for only one function
184 if atoms.occ.Nstate == 1:
185 log.warning("Need at least two functions to check their orthogonality.")
186 return True
188 ortho_bool = True
189 # Check the condition for every combination
190 # Orthogonality condition: \int func1^* func2 dr = 0
191 for spin in range(atoms.occ.Nspin):
192 for i in range(atoms.occ.Nstate):
193 for j in range(i + 1, atoms.occ.Nstate):
194 res = atoms.dV * np.sum(func[spin, :, i].conj() * func[spin, :, j])
195 tmp_bool = abs(res) < eps
196 ortho_bool *= tmp_bool
197 log.debug(f"Function {i} and {j}:\nValue: {res:.7f}\nOrthogonal: {tmp_bool}")
198"Orthogonal: {ortho_bool}")
199 return ortho_bool
203def check_norm(obj, func, eps=1e-9):
204 """Check the normalization condition for a set of functions.
206 Args:
207 obj: Atoms or SCF object.
208 func: A discretized set of functions.
210 Keyword Args:
211 eps: Tolerance for the condition.
213 Returns:
214 Normalization status for the set of functions.
215 """
216 atoms = obj._atoms
217 func = np.atleast_3d(func)
219 norm_bool = True
220 # Check the condition for every function
221 # Normality condition: \int func^* func dr = 1
222 for spin in range(atoms.occ.Nspin):
223 for i in range(atoms.occ.Nstate):
224 res = atoms.dV * np.sum(func[spin, :, i].conj() * func[spin, :, i])
225 tmp_bool = abs(1 - res) < eps
226 norm_bool *= tmp_bool
227 log.debug(f"Function {i}:\nValue: {res:.7f}\nNormalized: {tmp_bool}")
228"Normalized: {norm_bool}")
229 return norm_bool
233def check_orthonorm(obj, func, eps=1e-9):
234 """Check the orthonormality conditions for a set of functions.
236 Args:
237 obj: Atoms or SCF object.
238 func: A discretized set of functions.
240 Keyword Args:
241 eps: Tolerance for the condition.
243 Returns:
244 Orthonormality status for the set of functions.
245 """
246 atoms = obj._atoms
247 ortho_bool = check_ortho(atoms, func, eps)
248 norm_bool = check_norm(atoms, func, eps)
249"Orthonormal: {ortho_bool * norm_bool}")
250 return ortho_bool * norm_bool
253def get_isovalue(n, percent=85):
254 """Find an isovalue that contains a percentage of the electronic density.
256 Reference: J. Chem. Phys. 158, 164102.
258 Args:
259 n: Real-space electronic density.
261 Keyword Args:
262 percent: Amount of density that should be contained.
264 Returns:
265 Isovalue that contains the specified percentage of the density.
266 """
268 def deviation(isovalue):
269 """Wrapper function for finding the isovalue by minimization."""
270 n_mask = np.sum(n[n > isovalue])
271 return abs(percent - (n_mask / n_ref) * 100)
273 # Integrated density
274 n_ref = np.sum(n)
275 # Finding the isovalue is an optimization problem, minimizing the deviation above
276 # The problem is bound by zero (no density) and the maximum value in n
277 res = minimize_scalar(deviation, bounds=(0, np.max(n)), method="bounded")
278 return res.x
281def get_tautf(scf):
282 """Calculate the Thomas-Fermi kinetic energy densities per spin.
284 Reference: Phys. Lett. B 63, 395.
286 Args:
287 scf: SCF object.
289 Returns:
290 Real-space Thomas-Fermi kinetic energy density.
291 """
292 atoms = scf.atoms
293 # Use the definition with a division by two
294 tautf = 3 / 10 * (atoms.occ.Nspin * 3 * np.pi**2) ** (2 / 3) * scf.n_spin ** (5 / 3)
296 log.debug(f"Calculated Ekin: {scf.energies.Ekin:.6f} Eh")
297 log.debug(f"Integrated tautf: {np.sum(tautf) * atoms.dV:.6f} Eh")
298 return tautf
301def get_tauw(scf):
302 """Calculate the von Weizsaecker kinetic energy densities per spin.
304 Reference: Z. Phys. 96, 431.
306 Args:
307 scf: SCF object.
309 Returns:
310 Real-space von Weizsaecker kinetic energy density.
311 """
312 atoms = scf.atoms
313 if scf.dn_spin is None:
314 dn_spin = get_grad_field(atoms, scf.n_spin)
315 else:
316 dn_spin = scf.dn_spin
317 dn2 = norm(dn_spin, axis=2) ** 2
318 # Use the definition with a division by two
319 tauw = dn2 / (8 * scf.n_spin)
321 # For one- and two-electron systems the integrated KED has to be the same as the calculated KE
322 log.debug(f"Calculated Ekin: {scf.energies.Ekin:.6f} Eh")
323 log.debug(f"Integrated tauw: {np.sum(tauw) * atoms.dV:.6f} Eh")
324 return tauw
327def get_elf(scf):
328 """Calculate the electron localization function.
330 Reference: J. Chem. Phys. 92, 5397.
332 Args:
333 scf: SCF object.
335 Returns:
336 Real-space electron localization function.
337 """
338 D = get_tau(scf.atoms, scf.Y) - get_tauw(scf)
339 D0 = get_tautf(scf)
340 X = D / D0
341 return 1 / (1 + X**2)
344def get_reduced_gradient(scf, eps=0):
345 """Calculate the reduced density gradient s.
347 Reference: Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865.
349 Args:
350 scf: SCF object.
352 Kwargs:
353 eps: Threshold of the density where s should be truncated.
355 Returns:
356 Real-space reduced density gradient.
357 """
358 atoms = scf.atoms
359 if scf.dn_spin is None:
360 dn_spin = get_grad_field(atoms, scf.n_spin)
361 else:
362 dn_spin = scf.dn_spin
363 norm_dn = norm(np.sum(dn_spin, axis=0), axis=1)
365 kf = (3 * np.pi**2 * scf.n) ** (1 / 3)
366 with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
367 s = norm_dn / (2 * kf * scf.n)
368 s[scf.n < eps] = 0
369 return s
372def get_spin_squared(scf):
373 """Calculate the expectation value of the squared spin operator <S^2>.
375 Reference: Appl. Phys. Express 12, 115506.
377 Args:
378 scf: SCF object.
380 Returns:
381 The DFT value for <S^2>.
382 """
383 atoms = scf.atoms
384 # <S^2> for a restricted calculation is always zero
385 if not atoms.unrestricted:
386 return 0
388 rhoXr = scf.n_spin[0] - scf.n_spin[1]
389 rhoXr[rhoXr < 0] = 0
390 rhoX = np.sum(rhoXr) * atoms.dV
391 SX = 0.5 * (np.sum(scf.n_spin[0]) - np.sum(scf.n_spin[1])) * atoms.dV
392 return SX * (SX + 1) + rhoX
395def get_multiplicity(scf):
396 """Calculate the multiplicity from <S^2>.
398 Args:
399 scf: SCF object.
401 Returns:
402 Multiplicity 2S+1.
403 """
404 S2 = get_spin_squared(scf)
405 # <S^2> = S(S+1) = S^2+S+0.25-0.25 = (S+0.5)^2-0.25 => S = sqrt(<S^2>+0.25)-0.5
406 S = np.sqrt(S2 + 0.25) - 0.5
407 return 2 * S + 1
410def get_magnetization(scf):
411 """Calculate the total magnetization M.
413 Args:
414 scf: SCF object.
416 Returns:
417 Total magnetization.
418 """
419 # For a spin paired calculation the total magnetization is just zero
420 if not scf.atoms.unrestricted:
421 return 0
423 return np.sum(scf.n_spin[0] - scf.n_spin[1]) / np.sum(scf.n)
426def get_bandgap(scf):
427 """Calculate the band gap.
429 Args:
430 scf: SCF object.
432 Returns:
433 Band gap energy.
434 """
435 e_occ = get_epsilon(scf, scf.W, **scf._precomputed)
437 if scf.Z is None:
438 log.warning("The SCF object has no unoccupied energies, can't calculate band gap.")
439 return 0
441 e_unocc = get_epsilon_unocc(scf, scf.W, scf.Z, **scf._precomputed)
442 return np.min(e_unocc) - np.max(e_occ)
445def get_Efermi(obj, epsilon=None):
446 """Calculate the Fermi energy.
448 Reference: Phys. Rev. B 107, 195122.
450 Args:
451 obj: SCF or Occupations object.
453 Keyword Args:
454 epsilon: Eigenenergies.
456 Returns:
457 Fermi energy.
458 """
459 # Handle the obj argument
460 if hasattr(obj, "smearing"):
461 if epsilon is None:
462 log.error("When passing an Occupations object the eigenenergies have to be given.")
463 occ = obj
464 else:
465 occ = obj.atoms.occ
467 # Calculate the eigenenergies if necessary
468 if epsilon is None:
469 e_occ = get_epsilon(obj, obj.W, **obj._precomputed)
470 else:
471 e_occ = epsilon
473 def electron_root(Efermi):
474 """Number of electrons by Fermi distribution minus the actual number of electrons."""
475 occ_sum = 0
476 for ik in range(occ.Nk):
477 occ_sum += occ.wk[ik] * np.sum(fermi_distribution(e_occ[ik], Efermi, occ.smearing))
478 return occ_sum * 2 / occ.Nspin - occ.Nelec
480 # For smeared systems we have to find the root of an objective function
481 if occ.smearing > 0:
482 return root_scalar(electron_root, bracket=(np.min(e_occ), np.max(e_occ))).root
484 if obj.Z is None:
485 log.warning("The SCF object has no unoccupied energies, return the maximum energy instead.")
486 return np.max(e_occ)
488 e_unocc = get_epsilon_unocc(obj, obj.W, obj.Z, **obj._precomputed)
489 return np.max(e_occ) + (np.min(e_unocc) - np.max(e_occ)) / 2
492def fermi_distribution(E, mu, kbT):
493 """Calculate the Fermi distribution.
495 Reference:
497 Args:
498 E: State energy.
499 mu: Chemical energy or Fermi energy.
500 kbT: Thermic energy or smearing width.
502 Returns:
503 Fermi distribution.
504 """
505 x = (E - mu) / kbT
506 with np.errstate(over="ignore"):
507 return 1 / (np.exp(x) + 1)
510def electronic_entropy(E, mu, kbT):
511 """Calculate the electronic entropic energy.
513 Reference: J. Phys. Condens. Matter 1, 689.
515 Args:
516 E: State energy.
517 mu: Chemical energy or Fermi energy.
518 kbT: Thermic energy or smearing width.
520 Returns:
521 Electronic entropic energy.
522 """
523 # Condition taken from:
524 if abs((E - mu) / kbT) > 36:
525 return 0
526 f = fermi_distribution(E, mu, kbT)
527 return f * np.log(f) + (1 - f) * np.log(1 - f)
530def get_dos(epsilon, wk, spin=0, npts=500, width=0.1):
531 """Calculate the total density of states.
533 Reference:
535 Args:
536 epsilon: Eigenenergies.
537 wk: Chemical energy or Fermi energy.
539 Keyword Args:
540 spin: Spin channel.
541 npts: Number of energy discretizations.
542 width: Gaussian width.
544 Returns:
545 Eigenenergies and DOS.
546 """
548 def delta(x, x0, width):
549 """Gaussian of given width centered at x0."""
550 return np.exp(-(((x - x0) / width) ** 2)) / (np.sqrt(np.pi) * width)
552 energies = epsilon[:, spin].flatten()
553 emin = np.min(energies) - 5 * width
554 emax = np.max(energies) + 5 * width
555 e = np.linspace(emin, emax, npts)
556 dos_e = np.zeros(npts)
557 for e0, w in zip(energies, wk):
558 dos_e += w * delta(e, e0, width)
559 return e, dos_e