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1# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 The eminus developers 

2# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 

3"""CUBE file handling.""" 


5import textwrap 

6import time 


8import numpy as np 



11from ..logger import log 

12from ..version import __version__ 



15def read_cube(filename): 

16 """Load atom and cell data from CUBE files. 


18 There is no standard for CUBE files. The following format has been used. 

19 File format definition: 


21 Args: 

22 filename: CUBE input file path/name. 


24 Returns: 

25 Species, positions, charges, cell size, sampling, and field array. 

26 """ 

27 if not filename.endswith((".cub", ".cube")): 

28 filename += ".cube" 


30 # Atomic units and a cell that starts at (0,0,0) are assumed. 

31 with open(filename, encoding="utf-8") as fh: 

32 lines = fh.readlines() 


34 # The first and second lines can contain comments, print them if available 

35 comment = f"{lines[0].strip()}\n{lines[1].strip()}" 

36 if comment: 

37'CUBE file comment: "{comment}"') 


39 # Lines 4 to 6 contain the sampling per axis and the cell basis vectors with length a/s 

40 s = np.empty(3, dtype=int) 

41 a = np.empty((3, 3)) 

42 for i, line in enumerate(lines[3:6]): 

43 line_split = line.strip().split() 

44 s[i] = line_split[0] 

45 a[i] = s[i] * np.float64(line_split[1:]) 


47 atom = [] 

48 pos = [] 

49 Z = [] 

50 # Following lines contain atom positions with the format: atom-id charge x-pos y-pos z-pos 

51 _offset = 0 

52 for _offset, line in enumerate(lines[6:]): 

53 line_split = line.strip().split() 

54 # If the first value is not a (positive) integer, we have reached the field data 

55 if not line_split[0].isdigit(): 

56 break 

57 atom.append(NUMBER2SYMBOL[int(line_split[0])]) 

58 Z.append(float(line_split[1])) 

59 pos.append(np.float64(line_split[2:5])) 

60 pos = np.asarray(pos) 


62 # The rest of the data is the field data 

63 # Split the strings, flatten the lists of lists, and convert to a float numpy array 

64 tmp_list = [l.split() for l in lines[6 + _offset :]] 

65 field_list = [item for sublist in tmp_list for item in sublist] 

66 field = np.asarray(field_list, dtype=float) 

67 return atom, pos, Z, a, s, field 



70def write_cube(obj, filename, field, fods=None, elec_symbols=("X", "He")): 

71 """Generate CUBE files from given field data. 


73 There is no standard for CUBE files. The following format has been used to work with VESTA. 

74 File format definition: 


76 Args: 

77 obj: Atoms or SCF object. 

78 filename: CUBE output file path/name. 

79 field: Real-space field data. 


81 Keyword Args: 

82 fods: FOD coordinates to write. 

83 elec_symbols: Identifier for up and down FODs. 

84 """ 

85 # Atomic units are assumed, so there is no need for conversion. 

86 atoms = obj._atoms 


88 if not filename.endswith((".cub", ".cube")): 

89 filename += ".cube" 


91 if "He" in atoms.atom and atoms.unrestricted: 

92 log.warning( 

93 'You need to modify "elec_symbols" to write helium with FODs in the spin-' 

94 "polarized case." 

95 ) 


97 # Make sure we have real-valued data in the correct order 

98 if field is None: 

99 log.warning('The provided field is "None".') 

100 return 

101 field = np.real(field) 


103 with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: 

104 # The first two lines have to be a comment 

105 # Print information about the file and program, and the file creation time 

106 fp.write(f"File generated with eminus {__version__} on {time.ctime()}\n\n") 

107 # Number of atoms (int), and origin of the coordinate system (float) 

108 # The origin is normally at 0,0,0 but we could move our box, so take the minimum 

109 if fods is None: 

110 fp.write(f"{atoms.Natoms} ") 

111 else: 

112 fp.write(f"{atoms.Natoms + sum(len(i) for i in fods)} ") 

113 fp.write("0.0 0.0 0.0\n") 

114 # Number of points per axis (int), and vector defining the axis (float) 

115 fp.write( 

116 f"{atoms.s[0]} {atoms.a[0, 0] / atoms.s[0]:.6f} {atoms.a[0, 1] / atoms.s[0]:.6f}" 

117 f" {atoms.a[0, 2] / atoms.s[0]:.6f}\n" 

118 f"{atoms.s[1]} {atoms.a[1, 0] / atoms.s[1]:.6f} {atoms.a[1, 1] / atoms.s[1]:.6f}" 

119 f" {atoms.a[1, 2] / atoms.s[1]:.6f}\n" 

120 f"{atoms.s[2]} {atoms.a[2, 0] / atoms.s[2]:.6f} {atoms.a[2, 1] / atoms.s[2]:.6f}" 

121 f" {atoms.a[2, 2] / atoms.s[2]:.6f}\n" 

122 ) 

123 # Atomic number (int), atomic charge (float), and atom position (floats) for every atom 

124 for ia in range(atoms.Natoms): 

125 fp.write( 

126 f"{SYMBOL2NUMBER[atoms.atom[ia]]} {atoms.Z[ia]:.3f} " 

127 f"{atoms.pos[ia, 0]: .6f} {atoms.pos[ia, 1]: .6f} {atoms.pos[ia, 2]: .6f}\n" 

128 ) 

129 if fods is not None: 

130 for s in range(len(fods)): 

131 for ie in fods[s]: 

132 fp.write( 

133 f"{SYMBOL2NUMBER[elec_symbols[s]]} 0.000 " 

134 f"{ie[0]: .6f} {ie[1]: .6f} {ie[2]: .6f}\n" 

135 ) 

136 # Field data (float) with scientific formatting 

137 # We have s[0]*s[1] chunks values with a length of s[2] 

138 for i in range(atoms.s[0] * atoms.s[1]): 

139 # Print every round of values, so we can add empty lines between them 

140 data_str = "%+1.6e " * atoms.s[2] % tuple(field[i * atoms.s[2] : (i + 1) * atoms.s[2]]) 

141 # Print a maximum of 6 values per row 

142 # Max width for this formatting is 90, since 6*len("+1.00000e-000 ")=90 

143 fp.write(f"{textwrap.fill(data_str, width=90)}\n\n")