5. ModulesΒΆ
eminus - Pythonic electronic structure theory. | |
Atoms class definition. | |
Minimization algorithms for fixed Hamiltonians. | |
Cell wrapper function. | |
Consolidated configuration module. | |
Atomic data collections. | |
Main DFT functions based on the DFT++ formulation. | |
Functions to restrict real-space fields to domains. | |
Calculate different energy contributions. | |
DFT functions that are only needed for (meta-)GGA calculations. | |
Utilities to use Goedecker, Teter, and Hutter pseudopotentials. | |
Generate k-points and sample band paths. | |
Utilities to localize and analyze orbitals. | |
Logger initialization and configuration. | |
Minimization algorithms. | |
Determine occupations for atomic systems from simple inputs. | |
Basis set dependent operators for a plane wave basis. | |
Workflow functions that combine functions to generate orbitals. | |
Collection of miscellaneous potentials. | |
SCF class definition. | |
Various tools to check physical properties. | |
Collection of constants and unit conversion functions. | |
Linear algebra calculation utilities. | |
Package version number and version info function. | |
File input and output functionalities. | |
CUBE file handling. | |
GTH file handling. | |
JSON file handling. | |
PDB file handling. | |
POSCAR file handling. | |
TRAJ file handling. | |
XYZ file handling. | |
Implementation of different exchange-correlation functionals. | |
Chachiyo GGA correlation. | |
Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GGA correlation. | |
Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GGA correlation for solids and surfaces. | |
Chachiyo GGA exchange. | |
Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GGA exchange. | |
Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GGA exchange for solids and surfaces. | |
Chachiyo LDA correlation. | |
Modified Chachiyo LDA correlation. | |
Perdew-Wang LDA correlation. | |
Modified Perdew-Wang LDA correlation. | |
Vosko-Wilk-Nusair LDA correlation. | |
Slater LDA exchange. | |
GDSMFB LDA exchange-correlation. | |
Utility functions for exchange-correlation functionals. | |
Extra functions that need additional dependencies to work. | |
Dispersion correction interface. | |
Fermi-orbital descriptor generation. | |
HDF5 file handling. | |
Implementation of operators using Jax FFT functions. | |
Interface to use Libxc functionals. | |
Symmetrize k-points. | |
Implementation of operators using Torch FFT functions. | |
Viewer functions for Jupyter notebooks. | |
GTH pseudopotential files from CP2K. | |
PADE GTH pseudopotential files. | |
PBE GTH pseudopotential files. |