Source code for var_mesh.gen_mesh

#!/usr/bin/env python
This module contains functions that are necessary to generate and optimize
meshes by numerical error thresholds of the initial-guess density.

import numpy as np
from pyscf import dft, gto
from pyscf.lib import logger
from sys import stdout

# Lebedev angular grids that have to be used
ang_grids = dft.gen_grid.LEBEDEV_NGRID
rad = None
ang = None

[docs]def var_mesh(mesh, thres=1e-6, precise=True, mode='pyscf'): '''Minimize grid points for a given error threshold for the initial density. Args: mesh : Object of class :class:`Grids`. Kwargs: thres : float Maximum error of the initial-guess density (normalized to one electron). precise : bool Disable the coarse grid search when set to ``False``. This will speed up the mesh generation but results in more grid points. mode : str Set the output format. If the code does not support different grids for different atom types, only the largest atom grid will be used in an optimization step. Can be one of ``'pyscf'``, ``'erkale'`` or ``'gamess'``. Returns: Object of class :class:`Grids`. ''' # Initialize logger verbose = mesh.verbose log = logger.Logger(stdout, verbose) # Handle user inputs if not isinstance(mesh, dft.gen_grid.Grids): log.error('The mesh parameter has to be a Grids object.') if not isinstance(thres, float) and not isinstance(thres, int): log.error('The threshold parameter has to be a number.') if thres < 0: log.error('The threshold parameter has to be positive.') if not isinstance(precise, bool): log.error('The precise parameter has to be a boolean.') if not isinstance(mode, str): log.error('The mode parameter has to be a string.') mode = mode.lower() supported = ('pyscf', 'erkale', 'gamess') if mode not in supported: log.error('The mode parameter has to be one of \'%s\'.', '\', \''.join(supported)) if mode != 'pyscf' and precise: log.warn('The precise parameter has no effect when using \'%s\' mode.', mode) # Create calculator to generate the initial density mf = dft.RKS(mesh.mol) mf.max_cycle = 0 mf.grids = mesh # Silence other loggers mf.verbose = 0 mf.mol.verbose = 0 mf.grids.verbose = 0 # Enter coarse grid search types = atom_types(mesh.mol) steps = get_steps()'Start coarse grid search.') # Go through grid and raise atom grids for every atom for i in range(steps): mf.grids = build_mesh(mf.grids, types, [i] * len(types), mode) log.debug1('[%d/%d] Grids = %s', i + 1, steps, mf.grids.atom_grid) mf.kernel() error = mesh_error(mf) log.debug('[%d/%d] Error = %.5e', i + 1, steps, error) if error < thres:'Error condition met.') log.debug('Level = %d', i) break if error >= thres: log.warn('Couldn\'t met error condition.\n' 'Use the largest grid level instead.') elif precise and mode == 'pyscf': # Enter fine grid search level = i combs = get_combs(mesh.mol, level) steps = len(combs)'Start fine grid search.') # Go through every possible grid level combination for i in range(steps): mf.grids = build_mesh(mf.grids, types, combs[i], mode) log.debug1('[%d/%d] Grids = %s', i + 1, steps, mf.grids.atom_grid) mf.kernel() error = mesh_error(mf) log.debug('[%d/%d] Error = %.5e', i + 1, steps, error) if error < thres:'Error condition met.') log.debug('Levels per atom type:') for j in range(len(types)): log.debug('\'%s\' = %s', types[j], combs[i][j]) break if error >= thres:'Couldn\'t enhance the mesh anymore.') log.debug('Use level %d for every atom type instead.', level) mf.grids = build_mesh(mf.grids, types, [level] * len(types), mode) if mode == 'erkale': grid = list(mf.grids.atom_grid.values())[0] log.note('ERKALE grid: DFTGrid %d -%d', grid[0], grid[1]) elif mode == 'gamess': grid = list(mf.grids.atom_grid.values())[0] log.note('GAMESS grid: $dft nrad=%d nleb=%d $end', grid[0], grid[1]) else: log.note('PySCF grid: atom_grid = %s', mf.grids.atom_grid) # Restore original verbose level mf.grids.verbose = verbose return mf.grids
[docs]def get_rad(symb, level): '''Get radial grids. Args: symb : str Atom type identifier. level : int Grid level of atom type. Returns: int Amount of radial grids. ''' try: return rad[symb][level] except (KeyError, TypeError): return dft.gen_grid._default_rad(gto.charge(symb), level)
[docs]def get_ang(symb, level): '''Get angular grids. Args: symb : str Atom type identifier. level : int Grid level of atom type. Returns: int Amount of angular grids. ''' try: return ang[symb][level] except (KeyError, TypeError): return dft.gen_grid._default_ang(gto.charge(symb), level)
[docs]def get_steps(): '''Get the maximum number of optimization steps. Returns: int Largest grid level. ''' if rad is None and ang is None: return 10 elif rad is None: len_ang = min(len(i) for i in ang.values()) return len_ang if len_ang <= 10 else 10 elif ang is None: len_rad = min(len(i) for i in rad.values()) return len_rad if len_rad <= 10 else 10 else: len_rad = min(len(i) for i in rad.values()) len_ang = min(len(i) for i in ang.values()) return len_rad if len_rad <= len_ang else len_ang
[docs]def get_combs(mol, level): '''Generate possible grid level combinations for a fine grid search. Args: mol : Object of class :class:`Mole`. level : int Grid level of the found match in the coarse grid search. Returns: ndarray Possible combinations of grid levels. ''' steps = get_steps() types = atom_types(mol) amount = atom_amount(mol) combs = np.empty((0, len(types)), int) # Generate every possible combination for i in range(len(types)): tmp = [list(range(level, steps))] * len(types) tmp[i] = list(range(0, level)) tmp = np.array(np.meshgrid(*tmp)).T.reshape(-1, len(types)) combs = np.vstack((combs, tmp)) # Calculate grid points per combination grids = [] for ic in combs: tmp = 0 for i in range(len(types)): symb = types[i] tmp += amount[symb] * get_rad(symb, ic[i]) * get_ang(symb, ic[i]) grids.append(tmp) # Calculate the upper grid point boundary grids_max = 0 for i in range(len(types)): symb = types[i] grids_max += amount[symb] * get_rad(symb, level) * get_ang(symb, level) grids = np.asarray(grids) # Remove combinations with more grids than the upper boundary mask = grids < grids_max grids = grids[mask] combs = combs[mask] # Sort combinations with respect to grid points idx = np.argsort(grids) return combs[idx]
[docs]def build_mesh(mesh, types, levels, mode): '''Build mesh for given grid levels. Args: mesh : Object of class :class:`Grids`. types : list Atom type identifiers. levels : list Grid levels per atom type. mode : str Set the output format. If the code does not support different grids for different atom types, only the largest atom grid will be used in an optimization step. Can be one of ``'pyscf'``, ``'erkale'`` or ``'gamess'``. Returns: Object of class :class:`Grids`. ''' if mode == 'pyscf': for i in range(len(types)): symb = types[i] n_rad = get_rad(symb, levels[i]) n_ang = get_ang(symb, levels[i]) mesh.atom_grid[symb] = (n_rad, n_ang) else: n_rads = [] n_angs = [] for i in range(len(types)): symb = types[i] n_rads.append(get_rad(symb, levels[i])) n_angs.append(get_ang(symb, levels[i])) # Get the index for the largest grid and use it for every atom type idx = np.argmax(np.multiply(n_rads, n_angs)) for it in types: mesh.atom_grid[it] = (n_rads[idx], n_angs[idx]) return
[docs]def mesh_error(mf): '''Calculate the error per electron when integrating the electron density. Args: mol : Object of class :class:`RKS` or :class:`UKS`. Returns: float Mesh error. ''' mol = mf.mol dm = mf.make_rdm1() # Density matrix for open-shell systems if dm.ndim != 2: dm = dm[0] + dm[1] rho = mf._numint.get_rho(mol, dm, mf.grids, mf.max_memory) n =, mf.grids.weights) return abs(mol.nelectron - n) / mol.nelectron
[docs]def atom_types(mol): '''Get types of atoms in a molecule. Args: mol : Object of class :class:`Mole`. Returns: set Unique atom type identifiers. ''' types = set() for ia in range(mol.natm): symb = mol.atom_symbol(ia) types.add(symb) return sorted(types)
[docs]def atom_amount(mol): '''Get the amount of atoms in a molecule. Args: mol : Object of class :class:`Mole`. Returns: dict Atom type identifiers as keys and amounts as values. ''' amount = {} for ia in range(mol.natm): symb = mol.atom_symbol(ia) amount[symb] = sum(i[0].count(symb) for i in mol.atom) return amount