Source code for var_mesh.helpers

#!/usr/bin/env python
This module contains functions to visualize different meshes, but are not
necessary to generate them.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from pyscf.dft.gen_grid import Grids
from pyscf.dft.radi import BRAGG_RADII
from pyscf.gto import charge
from pyscf.lib import logger
from sys import stdout

# Color some atoms with their respective CPK color
cpk_colors = {
    'H': 'w',
    'C': 'k',
    'N': 'b',
    'O': 'r',
    'S': 'y'

[docs]def plot_mesh_3d(mesh, weight=False, **kwargs): '''Plot atoms and grid points in a 3d plot. Args: mesh : Object of class :class:`Grids`. Kwargs: weight : bool or int Scale grid points by their weights when set to ``True``. Integers will scale grid points. ''' # Initialize logger verbose = mesh.verbose log = logger.Logger(stdout, verbose) # Handle user inputs if not isinstance(mesh, Grids): log.error('The mesh parameter has to be a Grids object.') if not isinstance(weight, bool) and not isinstance(weight, int): log.error('The weight parameter has to be a boolean or an integer.') mol = mesh.mol coords = mesh.coords atoms = mol.atom_coords() if weight and isinstance(weight, bool): weights = abs(mesh.weights) elif weight and isinstance(weight, int): weights = weight else: weights = 2 # Get the atom colors and radii (scale with 100 to make it look good) colors = [] radii = [] for ia in range(mol.natm): colors.append(cpk_colors.get(mol.atom_symbol(ia), 'magenta')) radii.append(BRAGG_RADII[charge(mol.atom_symbol(ia))] * 100) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, # Plot atoms ax.scatter(atoms[:, 0], atoms[:, 1], atoms[:, 2], s=radii, c=colors, edgecolors='k', depthshade=0) # Plot mesh points ax.scatter(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], coords[:, 2], s=weights, c='g') ax.set_xlabel('x-axis', fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel('y-axis', fontsize=12) ax.set_zlabel('z-axis', fontsize=12) plt.tight_layout() return
[docs]def plot_mesh_2d(mesh, weight=False, plane='xy'): '''Project atoms and grid points to a given plane in a 2d plot. Args: mesh : Object of class :class:`Grids`. Kwargs: weight : bool or int Scale grid points by their weights when set to ``True``. Integers will scale grid points. plane : str Contains the plane to project on to. Needs two elements of ``'x'``, ``'y'``, and ``'z'``. ''' # Dictionary to map input axes to their coordinates ax = { 'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2 } # Initialize logger verbose = mesh.verbose log = logger.Logger(stdout, verbose) # Handle user inputs if not isinstance(mesh, Grids): log.error('The mesh parameter has to be a Grids object.') if not isinstance(weight, bool) and not isinstance(weight, int): log.error('The weight parameter has to be a boolean or an integer.') if not isinstance(plane, str): log.error('The plane parameter has to be a string.') if len(plane) != 2: log.error('The plane parameter has to be a string of length 2.') if not set(plane).issubset(ax.keys()): log.error('The plane parameter only accepts combinations of \'%s\'.', '\', \''.join(ax.keys())) ax1, ax2 = list(plane.lower()) mol = mesh.mol coords = mesh.coords atoms = mol.atom_coords() if weight and isinstance(weight, bool): weights = abs(mesh.weights) elif weight and isinstance(weight, int): weights = weight else: weights = 2 # Get the atom colors and radii (scale with 100 to make it look good) colors = [] radii = [] for ia in range(mol.natm): colors.append(cpk_colors.get(mol.atom_symbol(ia), 'magenta')) radii.append(BRAGG_RADII[charge(mol.atom_symbol(ia))] * 100) # Project atoms plt.scatter(atoms[:, ax[ax1]], atoms[:, ax[ax2]], s=radii, c=colors, edgecolors='k') # Project mesh points plt.scatter(coords[:, ax[ax1]], coords[:, ax[ax2]], s=weights, c='g') plt.xlabel(ax1 + '-axis', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel(ax2 + '-axis', fontsize=12) plt.tight_layout() return